¡Tu eSIM Gudfy a un solo paso!
Find detailed information on operation, activation and frequently asked questions.
Find detailed information on operation, activation and frequently asked questions.
Important: your phone or device must also be unlocked by the carrier to use eSIM.
iPads with eSIM (only iPads with 4G connectivity):
Important: your phone or device must also be unlocked by the carrier to use eSIM.
Important: your phone or device must also be unlocked by the carrier to use eSIM.
Important: your phone or device must also be unlocked by the carrier to use eSIM.
Important: your phone or device must also be unlocked by the carrier to use eSIM.
Important: your phone or device must also be unlocked by the carrier to use eSIM.
The winner of the giveaway on February 16, 2023
Congratulations to Rajin and Fernanda! Thank you all for your participation, loyalty, and support.
Congratulations to Rajin and Fernanda! Thank you all for your participation, loyalty and support.
Winner draw February 16, 2023